• Feel free to contact us: Mobile: 0344 3813810 Two powerful tools in one The Fluke 1577 Insulation Multimeter combine a digital 1 kV insulation tester with a full-featured, true-rms digital multimeter in a single, compact, handheld unit, which provides maximum versatility for both troubleshooting and preventative maintenance. Whether you work on motors, generators, cables, or switch gear, the Fluke 1577 Insulation Multimeter is ideally suited to help you with your tasks. For a greater capabilities purchase the Fluke 1587 Insulation Multimeter What’s Included:
    • Remote probe
    • Test leads
    • Alligator clips
    • Hard case
    • User documentation
  • The Fluke 1621 earth ground tester is an easy-to-use earth ground tester. For ground resistance testing, the 1621 is the first line of defense in detecting reliable ground connections. The unit features basic ground testing methods including 3-pole Fall-of-Potential as well as 2-pole ground resistance tests. Its convenient size, rugged holster, and large, clear LCD display make it an ideal field earth ground tester, for most electrical grounding work environments. With a simple user interface and intuitive functionality, the Fluke 1621 is a handy grounding tool for electrical contractors, utility test engineers, and earth ground specialists. What’s Included:
    • Fluke 1621 Tester
    • 2 cable reels with wire (1-50m, 1-25m)
    • 3 earth ground stakes
    • 1 Test lead (red and black 2m)
    • 2 Alligator Clips
    • Batteries
    • Users manual
    • Hard carrying case
  • The Fluke 1625 is intended for electrical utility or other high frequency environments as it has extra versatility for more demanding applications. The Fluke 1625 is a distinctive earth ground tester that can perform all four types of earth ground measurement. Not only measure ground resistance using the classic ‘fall of potential test’ but also enable time saving testing using the ‘selective’ and ‘stakeless’ methods.  ‘Selective’ testing does not require the electrode under test to be disconnected during the measurement, thus increasing safety.  The simple ‘stakeless’ method quickly checks ground connections using two current transformers (probes) clamped around the ground conductor under test. Testing Methods
    • 3- and 4-Pole Fall of Potential – standard earth ground testing using two ground stakes
    • 4-Pole Soil Resistivity testing – determine soil resistivity using four ground stakes
    • Selective testing – without disconnecting ground rods, a technician can measure ground resistance using a combination of stakes and a clamp.
    • Stakeless testing – innovative solution using only clamps, instead of ground stakes, to measure earth ground loop resistance.
    The Fluke 1625 offers these advanced features:
    • Automatic Frequency Control (AFC) – identifies existing interference and chooses a measurement frequency to minimize its effect, providing a more accurate earth ground value.
    • R* measurement – calculates earth ground impedance at 55 Hz to more accurately reflect the earth ground resistance that a fault-to-earth ground would see.
    • Adjustable limits – for quick test result verification.
    Earth ground resistance and soil resistivity should be measured when:
    • Designing earth ground systems
    • Installing new ground system and electrical equipment
    • Periodically testing ground and lightning protection systems
    • Installing large electrical equipment such as transformers, switchgears, machines, etc.
    The Fluke 1625 is the stand-alone unit For a basic model see the Fluke 1623 What’s Included:
    • Fluke 1625 tester
    • 2 test leads
    • 2 alligator clips
    • 4 earth ground stakes
    • 3 cable reels with wire (2-25 m, 1-50 m)
    • selective/stakeless clamp set (one inducing, one sensing)
    • Batteries
    • Users manual
    • Rugged carrying case
  • Feel free to contact us: Mobile: 0344 3813810 The Fluke 1735 Three Phase Power Logger is the idea tool for electrical load studies, energy consumption testing and general power quality logging. The Fluke 1735 logs most critical three-phase power parameters plus harmonics and captures voltage events. The Fluke 1735 can log rms voltage, rms current, phase angle, voltage events, voltage and current THD, voltage and current harmonics up to the 50th, active power, reactive power, power factor, active energy, reactive energy, and more. With memory for up to 45 days of data, the 1735 can uncover intermittent or hard-to-find issues. Set up the 1735 in seconds, with the included flexible current probes and color display. The four current probes are connected with one plug, the instrument automatically detects, scales and powers the probes. These variable range current probes are easily set to 15 A, 150 A, or 3000 A for high accuracy in nearly any application. The voltage connections are single leads, enabling easy and quick setups. The color screen provides instant confirmation that connections are correct, and then logging begins when you press the RECORD button. Applications:
    • Load studies – verify electrical system capacity before adding loads
    • Energy assessments – quantify energy consumption before and after improvements to justify energy saving devices
    • Harmonics measurements – uncover harmonic issues that can damage or disrupt critical equipment
    • Voltage event capture – monitor for dips and swells that cause spurious resets or nuisance circuit breaker tripping
    See the additional tabs above this content for features, specifications, virtual demos and other documents and list of what’s included with the Fluke 1735 three phaser power logger. What’s Included: • 4 flexible current probes (15 A/150 A/3000 A) • Power Log software • Voltage leads and clips • Color localization set • PC interface cable • International ac adapter (115/ 30 V, 50/60 Hz) • Printed English manual • Multi-language manual CD • Soft carry case
  • Feel free to contact us: Mobile: 0344 3813810 The Fluke 1735 Three Phase Power Logger is the idea tool for electrical load studies, energy consumption testing and general power quality logging. The Fluke 1735 logs most critical three-phase power parameters plus harmonics and captures voltage events. The Fluke 1735 can log rms voltage, rms current, phase angle, voltage events, voltage and current THD, voltage and current harmonics up to the 50th, active power, reactive power, power factor, active energy, reactive energy, and more. With memory for up to 45 days of data, the 1735 can uncover intermittent or hard-to-find issues. Set up the 1735 in seconds, with the included flexible current probes and color display. The four current probes are connected with one plug, the instrument automatically detects, scales and powers the probes. These variable range current probes are easily set to 15 A, 150 A, or 3000 A for high accuracy in nearly any application. The voltage connections are single leads, enabling easy and quick setups. The color screen provides instant confirmation that connections are correct, and then logging begins when you press the RECORD button. Applications:
    • Load studies – verify electrical system capacity before adding loads
    • Energy assessments – quantify energy consumption before and after improvements to justify energy saving devices
    • Harmonics measurements – uncover harmonic issues that can damage or disrupt critical equipment
    • Voltage event capture – monitor for dips and swells that cause spurious resets or nuisance circuit breaker tripping
    See the additional tabs above this content for features, specifications, virtual demos and other documents and list of what’s included with the Fluke 1735 three phaser power logger. What’s Included: • 4 flexible current probes (15 A/150 A/3000 A) • Power Log software • Voltage leads and clips • Color localization set • PC interface cable • International ac adapter (115/ 30 V, 50/60 Hz) • Printed English manual • Multi-language manual CD • Soft carry case
  • Feel free to contact us: Mobile: 0344 3813810 The Fluke 1740 Series three-phase power quality loggers are everyday power meters for technicians who troubleshoot and analyze power quality issues. Capable of simultaneously logging up to 500 power parameters for up to 85 days and monitoring for events, these power loggers help uncover intermittent and hard-to-find power quality issues. The Fluke 1743 is a powerful three-phase power quality logger capable of logging the most common power parameters you’ll need for power quality monitoring such as:
    • V, A, W, VA, VAR
    • Power Factor
    • Energy
    • Flicker
    • Voltage
    • THD
    Apart from the Fluke 1743, the Fluke 1740 series includes two other power quality loggers: Fluke 1744 & Fluke 1745.
    • The Fluke 1744 includes the same features as the Fluke 1743 but can measure voltage and current harmonics, interharmonics, mains signaling, unbalance and frequency.
    • The Fluke 1745 includes the same features as the Fluke 1744 but features an IP50 environmental rating, a real-time LCD display and a 5 hour UPS which is great if you need to read more data at the meter and have a longer backup battery life where there’s less chance of it getting wet.
    The main difference between the 1743 and the other 2 models in the series, is the 1743 does not measure harmonics, unbalance or mains signaling. If you need to require these measurements, we recommend looking at the higher models. Software: The included PQ Log software quickly assesses the quality of power at the service entrance, substation, or at the load, according to the latest EN50160 standard. Applications:
    • Disturbance analysis – Uncover root cause of equipment malfunction for later mitigation and predictive maintenance
    • Quality of service compliance – Validate incoming power quality at the service entrance
    • Power quality studies – Assess baseline power quality to validate compatibility with critical systems before installation
    • Load studies – Verify electrical system capacity before adding loads
    • Energy and power quality assessment – Validate performance of facility improvements by quantifying energy consumption, power factor, and general power quality before and after improvements
    What’s Included:
    • 4 Flexible probes 15/150/1500/3000 A with 2 m cable
    • CD-ROM with PQ Log software
    • RS232 interface cable and RS232-USB adapter
    • Test leads for voltages and power supply
    • 4 black dolphin clips
    • Color localization kit
    • Carrying bag
    • Test certificate with measurement values
    • Printed English manual
    • Multi-language manual CD
  • Feel free to contact us: Mobile: 0344 3813810
    The Fluke 1740 Series three-phase power quality loggers are everyday power meters for technicians who troubleshoot and analyze power quality issues. Capable of simultaneously logging up to 500 power parameters for up to 85 days and monitoring for events, these power loggers help uncover intermittent and hard-to-find power quality issues. The Fluke 1744 is a powerful three-phase power quality logger capable of logging the most common power parameters you’ll need for power quality monitoring such as:
    • V, A, W, VA, VAR
    • Power Factor
    • Energy
    • Flicker
    • Voltage
    • THD
    • Harmonics, Interharmonics
    • Mains Signaling
    • Unbalance
    • Frequency
    Apart from the Fluke 1744, the Fluke 1740 series includes two other power quality loggers: Fluke 1743 & Fluke 1745.
    • The Fluke 1743 includes the same features as the Fluke 1743 but is not capable of measuring voltage and current harmonics, interharmonics, mains signaling, unbalance and frequency.
    • The Fluke 1745 includes the same features as the Fluke 1744 but features an IP50 environmental rating, a real-time LCD display and a 5 hour UPS which is great if you need to read more data at the meter and have a longer backup battery life where there’s less chance of it getting wet.
    The main difference between the 1744 and the other 2 models in the series, is the 1744 measure harmonics, unbalance or mains signaling but doesn’t have an LCD display and only has a 3 hour UPS. The included PQ Log software quickly assesses the quality of power at the service entrance, substation, or at the load, according to the latest EN50160 standard. Applications:
    • Disturbance analysis – Uncover root cause of equipment malfunction for later mitigation and predictive maintenance
    • Quality of service compliance – Validate incoming power quality at the service entrance
    • Power quality studies – Assess baseline power quality to validate compatibility with critical systems before installation
    • Load studies – Verify electrical system capacity before adding loads
    • Energy and power quality assessment – Validate performance of facility improvements by quantifying energy consumption, power factor, and general power quality before and after improvements
    What’s Included:
    • 4 Flexible probes 15/150/1500/3000 A with 2 m cable
    • CD-ROM with PQ Log software
    • RS232 interface cable and RS232-USB adapter
    • Test leads for voltages and power supply
    • 4 black dolphin clips
    • Color localization kit
    • Carrying bag
    • Test certificate with measurement values
    • Printed English manual
    • Multi-language manual CD
  • Feel free to contact us: Mobile: 0344 3813810
    The Fluke 1745 Three Phase Power Quality Logger is an advanced IP50 power quality logger with real-time LCD and five hours UPS for technicians who troubleshoot and analyze power quality issues. Capable of simultaneously logging up to 500 power parameters for up to 85 days and monitoring for events, this allows you to analyze power quality in detail and to correlate intermittent events, helping to identify the root cause of disturbances. The included PQ Log software quickly assesses the quality of power at the service entrance, substation, or at the load, according to the latest EN50160 standard. The Fluke 1745 Three Phase Power Quality Logger can not only measure the common power parameters but it also measures voltage and current harmonics, interharmonics, mains signaling, unbalance, and frequency. Apart from the Fluke 1745, the Fluke 1740 series includes two other power quality loggers: Fluke 1743 & Fluke 1743.
    • The Fluke 1743 is capable of measuring most common power parameters but cannot measure voltage and current harmonics, interharmonics, mains signaling, unbalance or frequency.
    • The Fluke 1744 is more similar to the 1743 and is a better solution if you need to measure what the 1743 is incapable of measuring.
    • Disturbance analysis – Uncover root cause of equipment malfunction for later mitigation and predictive maintenance
    • Quality of service compliance – Validate incoming power quality at the service entrance
    • Power quality studies – Assess baseline power quality to validate compatibility with critical systems before installation
    • Load studies – Verify electrical system capacity before adding loads
    • Energy and power quality assessment – Validate performance of facility improvements by quantifying energy consumption, power factor, and general power quality before and after improvements
    What’s Included:
    • 4 Flexible probes 15/150/1500/3000 A with 2 m cable
    • CD-ROM with PQ Log software
    • RS232 interface cable and RS232-USB adapter
    • Test leads for voltages and power supply
    • 4 black dolphin clips
    • Color localization kit
    • Carrying bag
    • Test certificate with measurement values
    • Printed English manual
    • Multi-language manual CD
  • Feel free to contact us: Mobile: 0344 3813810 Versatile meter for maintenance, field service and bench repair. The Fluke 175 True-rms digital multimeter has the features needed to find most electrical, electronic, electro-mechanical and heating and ventilation problems.  Simple to use with significant improvements like True-rms, frequency, capacitance and min-max record. Check the features and specifications using the tabs above. Electrical safety All inputs are protected to measurement CAT III 1000  V and CAT IV 600V.  This meter can withstand transient impulses in excess of 8000 V to help protect you from arc blasts resulting from surges and spikes. Want better accuracy and a backlight see the Fluke 177 Also available with temperature as Fluke 179
  • Feel free to contact us: Mobile: 0344 3813810 Record three-phase power quality and monitor for power quality disturbances with the new Fluke 1750 Three Phase Power Recorder and the Fluke Power Analyzer software. These power meters automatically record every power quality parameter and event, on every cycle – all the time. Never miss capturing a disturbance – with the exclusive threshold-free measurement system, it’s automatic. Capture every measurement, every event, on every cycle, all the time with the Fluke 1750 Three Phase Power Recorder. Unprecedented accuracy and resolution provide complete visibility into your distribution system. The recorder automatically detects, scales, and powers current probes without needing batteries. Requiring only single-lead voltage connections enables safe and quick setups. Once power is applied the instrument automatically begins recording and LEDs give you assurance that the recorder is powered up and signals are within range – no more uncertainty that data is being recorded. The Fluke 1750 Three Phase Power Quality Recorder has an exclusive capture algorithm which makes certain all events are captured without the tedious setups and blind spots associated with threshold driven equipment. The PDA wirelessly interfaces with the recorder, allowing quick setup and verification with waveform displays, meter screens, and phasor diagrams. The built-in wireless technology allows you to control multiple instruments from a distance easily, without the need for a laptop computer (laptops can also be used when desired). Applications: Long-term analysis: Uncover hard-to-find or intermittent issues Power quality surveys: Quantify power quality throughout a facility, documenting results with professional reports Quality of service compliance: Validate incoming power quality at the service entrance Semi-permanent monitoring: Monitor critical equipment, capturing power quality events to correlate with equipment malfunctions What’s Included:
    • 1750 aquisition unit
    • PDA wireless “front panel interface” and charger power plug adapters
    • 4 – 400A current probes (3140)
    • 5 Test leads and clips
    • SD memory card
    • Fluke Power View and Fluke Power Analyze software
    • Power cord with international plug set
    • Ethernet cable
    • Color localization set
    • Printed Getting Started manual
    • Product CD with software and user manual PDF
  • Feel free to contact us: Mobile: 0344 3813810
    Versatile meter for maintenance, field service and bench repair. The Fluke 179 True-rms digital multimeter has the features needed to find most electrical and HVAC problems. Simple to use with significant improvements like True-rms, frequency, capacitance, temperature and min-max record. The Fluke 179 has more measurement functions, conformance to the latest safety standards, and a much larger display with backlight that’s easier to view. Check the features and specifications using the tabs above. Electrical safety All inputs are protected to measurement CAT III 1000 V and CAT IV 600V. This meter can withstand transient impulses in excess of 8000 V to help protect you from arc blasts resulting from surges and spikes. For even greater value, the Fluke 179 is also available in the following kits: Fluke 179/EDA2 Electronics Multimeter and Deluxe Accessory Combo Kit or Fluke 179/1AC-II Electrician’s Multimeter and Voltage Tester Combo Kit or Fluke 179/61 Industrial Multimeter and Infrared Thermometer Combo Kit or Fluke 179/TPAK Digital Multimeter & ToolPak Combo Kit or Fluke 179/IMSK Digital Multimeter & Clamp Meter Combo Kit Also available with no temperature as Fluke 177 or as Fluke 175 What’s Included:
    • Fluke 80BK Temperature Probe
    • Fluke TL75 Test Leads
    • Installed 9V battery
    • Users manual
  • Feel free to contact us: Mobile: 0344 3813810 Versatile meter for maintenance, field service and bench repair. The Fluke 179 True-rms digital multimeter has the features needed to find most electrical and HVAC problems. Simple to use with significant improvements like True-rms, frequency, capacitance, temperature and min-max record. The Fluke 179 has more measurement functions, conformance to the latest safety standards, and a much larger display that’s easier to view. Check the features and specifications using the tabs above. Electrical safety All inputs are protected to measurement CAT III 1000 V and CAT IV 600V. This meter can withstand transient impulses in excess of 8000 V to help protect you from arc blasts resulting from surges and spikes. Available as kits such as: Fluke 179/1AC-IIElectrician’s Multimeter and Voltage Tester Combo Kit or Fluke 179/61 Industrial Multimeter and Infrared Thermometer Combo Kit or Fluke 179/TPAK Digital Multimeter & ToolPak™ Combo Kit Also available with no temperature asFluke 177or as Fluke 175 Combo Kit includes:
    • Fluke 179 True-rms Digital Multimeter
    • Fluke 80BK K-type temperature probe
    • Fluke AC280 SureGrip Heavy Duty Hook Clips
    • Fluke TP910 Electronic Test Probes
    • Fluke TL224 SureGrip Silicone Test Leads resist heat
    • Fluke TPAK ToolPak meter hanging accessory to hold meter to steel surfaces
    • NEW! Fluke C35 lightweight soft case to provide optimal protection and storage
    What’s Included:
    • Fluke 179 True-rms Digital Multimeter
    • Fluke 80BK K-type temperature probe
    • Fluke AC280 SureGrip Heavy Duty Hook Clips
    • Fluke TL910 Electronic Test Probes
    • Fluke TL224 SureGrip Silicone Test Leads resist heat
    • Fluke TPAK ToolPak meter hanging accessory to hold meter to steel surfaces
    • NEW! Fluke C35 lightweight soft case to provide optimal protection and storage
    The Fluke 1621 earth ground tester is an easy-to-use earth ground tester. For ground resistance testing, the 1621 is the first line of defense in detecting reliable ground connections. The unit features basic ground testing methods including 3-pole Fall-of-Potential as well as 2-pole ground resistance tests. Its convenient size, rugged holster, and large, clear LCD display make it an ideal field earth ground tester, for most electrical grounding work environments. With a simple user interface and intuitive functionality, the Fluke 1621 is a handy grounding tool for electrical contractors, utility test engineers, and earth ground specialists. What’s Included:
    • Fluke 1621 Tester
    • 2 cable reels with wire (1-50m, 1-25m)
    • 3 earth ground stakes
    • 1 Test lead (red and black 2m)
    • 2 Alligator Clips
    • Batteries
    • Users manual
    • Hard carrying case
  • Feel free to contact us: Mobile: 0344 3813810
    The Fluke 189 is the most advanced meter with features, precision and accuracy to troubleshoot industrial and electronic equipment in the field or on the bench. The Fluke 189 has a built-in data logger to record measurements unattended.  Recorded data can be viewed on the 189 or transferred to a PC with optional FlukeView Forms software.
    • Built in data logger records reading and time to catch intermittent problems
    • Measure 20 A for up to 30 seconds, 10 A continuous
    • Temperature, capacitance, dB, frequency, pulse width and duty cycle to find more problems with one tool
    • Large bright white display with dual parameter
    • Isolated IR communication port to send data to a PC
    • Premium test leads (Fluke TL71) and alligator clips (Fluke AC72) included
    • New! USB data cable with FlukeView Forms
    • New! battery pack (Fluke BP189) extends battery life to over 400 hours
    The Fluke 189 Data Logging Multimeter and Software Combo Pack provides a practical, affordable approach to achieve significantly improved maintenance performance. With the flexibility to monitor more than 20 different electrical functions plus temperature, it can help you increase your team’s productivity and reduce downtime by helping you find your problems faster. Flukeview Forms Software (included in Combo Pack) allows overlaying of data from six different meters or time periods to find cause-effect relationships or for predictive maintenance applications. Electrical safety All inputs are protected to measurement CAT III 1000 V and CAT IV 600 V. Available in non-logging version as Fluke 187 or just get the multimeter on its own Fluke 189 What’s Included:
    • Logging Multimeter  (Fluke 189)
    • FlukeView® Forms Software  (Fluke FVF-SC2)
    • USB Cable adapter  (IR189USB)
    • Test Lead Set  (Fluke TL71)
    • Alligator Clip Set  (Fluke AC72)
    • Temperature Thermocouple  (Fluke 80BK)
    • High Capacity Battery Pack  (Fluke BP189)
    • Soft Carrying Case  (Fluke C25)
    • Meter Hanging Kit  (Fluke TPAK)
  • Feel free to contact us: Mobile: 0344 3813810 The new Fluke 190-102 Series II ScopeMeter is a 2-channel portable hand held oscilloscope built for CAT III & IV environments. It easily works with 3-phase applications for many industrial applications like motors and variable speed drives and includes all the key features of the original Fluke 190 series ScopeMeters. The Fluke 190-102/AM model is a 100MHz bandwidth model that provides real-time sampling rates up to 1.25GS/s and a 400ps resolution to capture noise and other disturbances.


    • Automation: PLC’s, sensors, transducers, motion controllers, rotary encoders, scanners, readers, printers
    • Medical Imaging: XRay, MRI, ultrasound imaging equipment
    • Avionics: Flight line navigation systems, communication systems, radars, on board aircraft control systems
    • A/V and Security Systems: Retail security devices, surveillance and monitoring equipment, RFID

    Fluke 190 Series II ScopeMeters

    The new 2-channel Fluke 190 series of portable oscilloscopes are designed for the industrial plant maintenance professionals servicing, installing or maintaining heavy duty electrical equipment, electro-mechanical machinery and plant automation control systems. The 190 series II ScopeMeters are the first portable oscilloscopes with a 1000 V CAT III / 600 V CAT IV safety rating. Fluke ScopeMeter test tools are hand held, battery operated portable instruments with a sealed, dust and drip proof case that is IP 51 rated, designed to be used in harsh environments. The new Fluke 190 series II now includes new features for troubleshooting today’s industrial power electronic systems and enhancements that will improve usability and overall satisfaction.

    New Features and Functions for Industrial Equipment Maintenance Applications

    • IEC 61010 1000V CAT III / 600V CAT IV Safety rating
    • 2 fully isolated floating input channels with up to 1.25 GS/s real time sampling rate
    • 8ns Glitch detect
    • 10,000 sample deep memory per channel for displaying high resolution waveform details
    • 2 input channels provide: 2 meter measurements, 2 TrendPlot traces, 2 ScopeRecord traces, capturing or logging 2 inputs over time
    • Live Zoom with full resolution
    Customer Driven Enhancements
    • Hi-capacity Li-ion battery with up to four hours of operation
    • Battery access door to easily swap out batteries for extended operation
    • Two electrically isolated USB ports. Mini USB-A for PC connectivity and a USB memory device port
    • Security slot to lock down instrument using standard Kensignton PC lock
    • Screen insert for standard camera mounting accessories
    Plus all the Key Features and Benefits of the existing ScopeMeter 190 Series
    • Up to 100 MHz bandwidth, 1.25 GS/s real time sample rate up to 400 pico seconds resolution
    • Built-in multimeter
    • Connect and View to easily trigger on and display even complex waveforms
    • TrendPlot and ScopeRecord to capture or plot waveforms and measurements over extended time spans
    • Reply Last 100 Screen, to go back in time to see waveform anomalies
    • Environmentally tested to meet IP51 dusty and drip proof rating and withstand 3G vibration or 30g shock

    Other Fluke 190 Series II (2 Channel) models:

    • Fluke 190-102/AM/S – This model includes the Fluke C290 hard case and full version of FlukeView for ScopeMeter software
    • Fluke 190-062/AM – This is the 60MHz series model
    • Fluke 190-062/AM/S – This model includes the Fluke C290 hard case and full version of FlukeView for ScopeMeter software
    • Fluke 190-202/AM – This is the 200MHz series model
    • Fluke 190-202/AM/S – This model includes the Fluke C290 hard case and full version of FlukeView for ScopeMeter software
    What’s Included:
    • Fluke BC190 Power adapter
    • Fluke BP290 Li-ion battery pack
    • VPS410-R probe red
    • VPS410-B probe blue
    • USB cable A – B (mini)
    • Hanging strap
    • Handstrap affixed to instrument (user selectable for left or right handed use)
    • CD user manual with FlukeView ScopeMeter software demo version
    • Statement of calibration practice
  • Feel free to contact us: Mobile: 0344 3813810
    Whether you are performing routine maintenance and calibration, or troubleshooting the hardest to solve problems like intermittent failures or sources of unwanted noise, the Fluke 192C Color Scopemeter has all the tools needed to get the job done. With 60 MHz bandwidth, up to 0.5 GS/s real-time sampling rate, 27,500 points memory for high resolution waveform per input they’re ideal for engineers who need the full capabilities of a high-performance oscilloscope in a handheld, battery powered instrument. This model has a high resolution color display that has a fast update rate, waveform pass/fail testing and a digital persistence mode – making the analysis of complex and dynamic signals that much easier.
    • Dual-input – 60 MHz bandwidth
    • Up to 0.5 GS/s real-time sampling per input
    • High waveform resolution of 3,000 datapoints per channel
    • Connect-and-View™ automatic triggering and a full range of manual trigger modes
    • Fast display update rate for seeing dynamic behavior instantaneously
    • Automatic capture and replay of 100 screens
    • 27,500 points per input record length using ScopeRecord™ mode
    • TrendPlot™ paperless chart recorder for trend analysis up to 22 days
    • Up to 1000 V independently floating isolated inputs
    • Waveform reference for visual comparisons and automatic pass/fail testing of waveforms
    • Vpwm function for motor drive and frequency inverter applications.
    • 1000 V CAT II and 600 V CAT III safety certified
    • Four hours rechargeable Ni-MH battery pack
    See the Fluke 192C Color ScopeMeter For advanced capabilities see the Fluke 199C Color ScopeMeter Other models are the Fluke 196C. What’s Included:
    • Fluke BC190 Battery Charger/Line Voltage adapter
    • Fluke BP190 NiMH Battery Pack
    • Getting started booklet
    • User manual (CD-ROM)
    • Fluke TL75 Hard Point Test Lead Set
    • Fluke VPS200-G Voltage Probe (200 MHz, 10:1), Grey
    • Fluke VPS200-R Voltage Probe (200 MHz, 10:1), Red
    Also comes with the SCC190 kit which includes:
    • Fluke C190 Hard Carrying Case;
    • Fluke OC4USB Optically isolated USB-Cable;
    • Fluke SW90W/034EFG FlukeView ® Software for Windows. English, French and German language
  • Feel free to contact us: Mobile: 0344 3813810
    The pocket-sized voltage detector The next generation VoltAlert™ AC non-contact voltage testers from Fluke are easy to use — just touch the tip to a terminal strip, outlet, or supply cord. When the tip glows red and the unit beeps, you know there’s voltage present. Electricians, maintenance, service, safety personnel, and homeowners can quickly test for energized circuits in the workplace or at home. A must for safe practices around electricity.
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